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Kingsley Kwaah Tandoh

MPhil, BSc

Assistant Lecturer
Geography and Earth Sciences
Geography and Earth Science Lab.



Publication / CONFERENCES:


Research Projects

Honours & Awards

Kingsley Kwaah Tandoh is a trained geoscientist with over nine years tertiary teaching experience in the field geoscience. He holds a BSc in Earth Science and MPhil in Geology, and currently pursuing a PhD in Geological Engineering at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi. He was a lecturer in the Oil and Gas Engineering Department at All Nations University, Koforidua, and Oil and Gas Management Programme External Assessor at Pinnacle College, Accra before joining Geography and Earth Sciences Department at UESD.

1. Structural geology
2. Ore characterization
3. Geotechnical and ground investigations
4. Geochemistry and Isotopic studies
5. Geometallurgy

1. Tandoh, K.K., Gbedemah, S.F., Doku, M. R .S., Adams S. J. & Brako B. A. (2023). Petrographic and structural analysis of Paleoproterozoic Birimian granitoids and associated rocks of Boankra areas in the Kumasi Basin of Ghana. Arab Journal of Geosciences 16 ( 8).

2. Nuamah D. O.B., & Tandoh K, K. (2020). Application of 3D Euler Deconvolution and 2D inverse modelling to basin depth estimation, the case of the Keta basin, Ghana. NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics, 9(1),

3. Nuamah D. O. B., Tandoh, K. K., & Brako, A. (2019). Geochemistry of Minor and Trace Elements in Soils of Akuse Area, Southeastern Ghana. Geosciences, 9(1): 8-17, DOI: 10.5923/j.geo.20190901.02

Member of Ghana Institution of Geoscientists (GhIG)
Member of Geological Society of Africa (GSAf)

On-Going Research
Ore characterization: This research project focuses on the geology, geochemistry, ore mineralogy, fluid inclusions studies and isotope geochemistry to characterize the ore and develops models that influence metal recovery processes of the various ores in Ghana through detailed fieldwork analytical works.

2015: Dedicated Service Award – SDA College of Education, Asokore-Koforidua

2010: Certificate of Recognition – Walton Whaley Library, Valley View University, Oyibi