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UESD to host the next International Youth Fellowship on Mindset Education.

The University of Environment and Sustainable Development (UESD) is to host the next International Youth Fellowship (IYF) world camp on Mindset Education.

The Country Director for IYF, Rev. Young Jun Moon revealed this when he led a six-member delegation topay a courtesy call on Management of the UESD on Wednesday, 10th August 2022.

They were received by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Eric Nyarko-Sampson in the University’s Council Chamber, together with the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Prof Edward Wiafe Debrah and the Registrar, Mrs Mary Abena Agyepong.

The team was at the UESD campus to presenttwo proposals to the Management of the University. Rev. Young, stated that thefirst was to discuss with Management, how the IYF could inculcatethe Mindset Education programmes into the curriculum of the University.

He explained that the Mindset Education programme seeks to offer young people the opportunity to be educated on how to engage in critical and deep thinking and the need for self-control in all facets of their lives.

Rev. Moon said,the IYF which was established twenty-seven (27) years ago has branches in more than eighty (80) countries including, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, the USA,Gambia, Tanzania, Scotland the Philippines and, has benefitted a lot of young people.

He stated thatalmost allthe Universities in South Korea have started running Mindset Education programmes on their curriculum and in Ghana, four (4) universities will be joining soon.

The second proposal Rev. Moon presented was to formally requestUESD to host this year’s IYF World Camp on its campus. The last camping, he noted was in 2019 and had to take a break because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Responding, the Vice-Chancellor of UESD, Prof. Eric Nyarko-Sampson said,the University is excited to be part of the Mindset Education programme whichwill serve as an opportunity to train its students on some mindset issues.He said, there is a need to empower students to be individual thinkers of their time.

Prof Nyarko-Sampsonsaid, the World Camp is a goodinitiative but mobilizing is the key factor which is contingent on the concept paperstudents will be trainedwith.The concept must be such that the students will choose the Camp over their own defined activities and schedules. Adding that the UESD is awaitingthe concept paper and proposal from International Youth Fellowship to commence preparation for the camp.

Rev. Moon was accompanied by some clergymen of the Fellowship and volunteers. They included; Rev. Adams; Rev. K.T Francis, Regional Assistant,  IYF; Rev. Divine Agbo, National Assistant,  IYF,  Rev. Samuel Esso, Araceli Pablo Avarez, Ju Min Lee and Chan Nyeong Heo.