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UESD Faculty Urged to Exercise Caution in Selecting Publishing Platforms

Members of faculty at the University of Environment and Sustainable Development have been encouraged to form partnerships locally and internationally in research in order to facilitate easier access to research grants.  

The Acting Dean of the School of Sustainable Development, Prof. Anthony Amoah, gave the advice at a virtual seminar organised by the Research Innovation and Consultancy Unit of the university on the theme; “Publish or Perish.”

 Prof. Amoah outlined the core responsibilities of lecturers, including teaching, student guidance and counseling, curriculum development, participation in admissions processes, conducting applied or scholarly research, and publishing academic papers, which he emphasized as highly significant.

He underscored that the decision to publish is non-negotiable, as it not only leads to career advancement but also fosters academic collaborations, attracts research funding, boosts revenue through applied research, and enhances the institution’s reputation. He also cautioned academics who fail to publish risk stagnation, potential job loss, and even emotional distress.

Prof. Amoah identified some challenges that deter researchers from publishing, such as a lack of interest, fear of paper rejection, financial constraints, and difficulties in selecting appropriate journals. To overcome these hurdles, he advocated collaboration with professionals from other institutions, whether locally or internationally. He cautioned colleagues about predatory journals that prioritize profits over quality academic content, advising researchers to exercise restraint when selecting publishing platforms.