The Officer-In-Charge of the Business Management Section in the Regional Service Management under the Support Division of the Office of Information, Communication and Technology of the UN, Dr. David Padi has urged managers of Ghana’s energy sector to adopt environmentally friendly measures such as solar panels, wind energy, and biomass in the production of electricity for household usage to help address the country’s power issues.He said, such practices reduce greenhouse emissions, a key ingredient that escalates global warming.
Dr. Padiwho is also an Electrical Engineer was speaking at a workshop on:“Harnessing the Power of Technology and Adopting Best Practices to Drive Sustainable Development and Preserve our Environment”,at the University of Environment and Sustainable Development (UESD) held in the Auditorium of its Multi-Purpose Building on Tuesday, 20th June 2023, for staff and students of the University. The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Eric Nyarko-Sampson was the chairman for the occasion.

Dr. Padi touched on Climate Change, Economically Sustainable Consumption, Innovation, by fusing the United Nations (UN) strategic goals into the UESD five (5)-Year Strategic Plan which has ten (10) thematic thrusts including the use of technology, linkages and collaborative research students’ development and academic and non-academic programmes.

On sustainable energy, Dr. Padi encouraged households to adopt the usage of environment monitoring digital technology such as smart buildings and motion detection devices which reduce energy consumption. He also called for a reduction in the dependency on generators, coal, and other machinery that emits fumesharmful to the environment. Thereshould be collaborations between institutions on research and the exchange of data on practical solutions to be adhered to in order to protect the environment.
Dr. Padi also called on researchers to device practical ways that provide the most efficient and effective ways of solving e-waste challenges.

He challenged UESD to champion the call for such research in protecting the ecosystem. He said, living in an eco-friendly sustainable environment improves life in a sustainable way and also ensures physiological and safety needs.
In her contribution, the Registrar, Mrs. Mary Abena Agyepong, added her voice to the incorporation of the SDGs in our everyday life. She challenged the participants to think of ways in which society can work to achieve living in an eco-friendly environment. In his remarks, the chairman, Prof. Eric Nyarko-Sampson expressed appreciation to Dr. Padi for his interest in promoting sustainable ecology and environmental best practices around the world.