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‘Be Agents of Change’ – Vice-Chancellor of UESD Prof. Nyarko-Sampson to Graduands of Mt. Mary College of Education.

The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Environment and Sustainable Development (UESD), Prof. Eric Nyarko-Sampson has tasked the 2022/23 graduating students of Mount Mary College of Education at Somanya in the Eastern Region to be agents of change that the Bachelor of Education Programmes for the Colleges of Education have been designed to produce. This is because, ‘you were educated in Mt. Mary College of Education, a college known to produce high-quality teachers who contribute to national development.’

Prof. Eric Nyarko-Sampson was delivering a speech as the Guest of Honour at the 14th Congregation of the College held in its auditorium on Saturday, 11th August 2023 which was attended by Vice-Chancellors of tertiary institutions, Heads of Colleges of Education, Alumni traditional rulers, and clergy, focused on; “Assuring Quality Teacher Education in Ghana.”

He acknowledged the primary role of teachers as agents responsible for the implementation of the educational processes at any stage in life. 

 Prof. Nyarko-Sampson explained that it is imperative to invest in the preparation of teachers to secure the nation’s future. He held that good teachers should have good communication skills, which include listening, collaboration, adaptability, empathy, and patience. These are attributes necessary to improve the quality of primary and secondary education in Ghana.

The professional Guidance and Counsellor told the graduands that having been trained under the National Teacher Education Curriculum Framework which prepares them to be competent, they should let the four pillars of Education; Subject and Curriculum, Knowledge, Literacy Studies Pedagogic Knowledge and Supported teachers in schools, guide them in the delivery of knowledge. They have also been equipped with skills in mentorship as student teachers to become mentees and peer mentees. He encouraged them to apply the appropriate and relevant techniques in disseminating knowledge to their learners, upgrade themselves in their areas of specialization and join relevant professional learning groups and disciplines.

The Council Chairman of the College, Most Rev. Joseph Afrifah- Agyekum, who is also the Catholic Bishop of the Koforidua Diocese, congratulated the graduands on their achievement but bemoaned recent reports of unruliness by some students which call for swift discipline. He encouraged the graduands to be guided by catholic principles and eschew all forms of indiscipline, exhibiting Christ-centered life of discipline in all walks of life.

The Principal of the College, Dr. (Mrs.) Cecilia Esinam Agbeh, commended the graduands on their sterling performance. She announced that sixteen (16) students had 1st Class honours which is the first batch with the highest number of 1st Class students.

She appealed to the government to tar the roads in and around the College and build more hostel facilities and staff accommodation.

The best-graduating student was Miss Sandra Kyei of the Department of English and Ghanaian Language.